Wednesday, November 6, 2013

sistema de mantenimiento de la superficie de juego de césped artificial

sistema de mantenimiento de la superficie de juego de césped artificial

Pie en superficies de césped artificial

Atrapados en el barro y la suciedad de la superficie de corte zapatos es la principal fuente de suciedad y contaminación. Para evitar esto , se recomienda para entrar en el campo de césped artificial para cada atleta limpie los zapatos antes de la entrada del atrio de la Bota de instalación especificada puede hacerlo. Y , para mantener es necesario el camino hacia el estadio de la limpieza en el vestuario , se evitará que la suciedad de los atletas en la cancha.

Manténgase en pasto artificial

Para mantener limpio el estadio , en el terreno de juego fumar , comer y masticar goma de mascar está prohibida . La basura debe ser colocada lo más lejos de césped artificial . Para proteger el estadio, lo mejor es mantener a los animales u objetos peligrosos , tales como objetos pesados ​​o afilados lejos del estadio. Por último , el tribunal no puede tener un incendio.

superficie de césped artificial de la máquina

Césped TurfSoccer diseñado para cumplir con el terreno de juego de césped artificial en superficies no protegidas no causa daño a la carga de la máquina , siempre y cuando las siguientes condiciones y las recomendaciones son las siguientes :

Apoyar lo general la base de su diseño del estadio , la capacidad de carga máxima por metro cuadrado 30kg - 40kg . Máquinas que se ejecutan en el terreno de juego debe estar en consonancia con los límites de capacidad de carga , a menos que su fundación está especialmente diseñado para soportar cargas más pesadas. Ver sus estándares de diseño interior , para verificar su estadio más grande puede soportar la carga.
• Permitir sólo equipos neumáticos neumáticos de goma directamente sobre la superficie de la cancha de hierba con
• Amplia gama de radio de giro
• Encendido de la máquina cuando la máquina está en movimiento sólo cuando se pueda
• Todas las máquinas deben estar en todo momento a baja velocidad
• Prohibir el freno de repente y de emergencia
• en todo momento para evitar la aceleración repentina y la rotación de la rueda
• Ruedas de la máquina en todo momento mantenerse limpios para evitar que el barro o la suciedad depositada sobre la superficie de la cancha
• Todas las superficies de césped artificial TurfSoccer en contacto directo con la máquina deben ser revisados ​​antes de entrar al estadio posibles derrames o fugas de aceite hidráulico
• Para evitar cargas e inferior basa en la pista, la máquina no se recomienda rocío YORK conducción en lugares mojados .
• 20 cm de espesor de capa de madera contrachapada debe ser colocado en una lona que cubre la presencia del piso de vinilo , y por lo menos 12 m a 20 m de larga distancia . Esta cubierta protectora para evitar el funcionamiento de maquinaria pesada y mediana empresa, se debe instalar en el estadio toda entrada y salida .

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

reducir las necesidades de mantenimiento del sistema de césped artificial

TurfSoccer elásticas de relleno partículas ventajas

Guardar el tiempo de pavimento , reducir los costos
Que el negro , el TurfSoccer las partículas de reciclaje tienen una mayor densidad ( 1.3-1.5g/cm3 ) no puede ser fácilmente llevado por la lluvia o la pérdida , reducir las necesidades de mantenimiento del sistema de césped artificial. TurfSoccer reducir el riesgo de lesiones deportivas debido a la pérdida de partículas de relleno o condiciones móviles , húmedo y en seco más estable y uniforme de campo de deportes . Rellene TurfSoccer sistema de césped artificial , aún no está equipado con amortiguación (tal como una mezcla de goma o almohadilla elástica ) mostró un buen rendimiento, todo el césped de simplificar el sistema , haciendo el pavimento de césped es simple, sino también reducir el costo de la acera .

Buen rendimiento deportivo
Lugar TurfSoccer especializada para el diseño profesional de fútbol de los deportes de rendimiento y producción : el mejor balanceo de la bola , una amortiguación de amortiguación naturales y la seguridad , el mando a distancia de deslizamiento , la densidad y el tamaño de las partículas es la mejor opción para asegurar los mejores atletas de deportes de los efectos de control de tamaño de partícula para asegurar la pérdida de energía mínima de los atletas ; también prevenir el endurecimiento de la superficie de juego y compactación . Proporciona mayor resistencia al desgaste , resistencia a la oxidación , propiedades anti - UV y es más adecuado para los deportes elástica .

Es compatible con todo el sistema
Materias primas que contienen TurfSoccer composición de poliolefina y el césped artificial muy cerca , es más propicio para el césped artificial el rendimiento general del sistema .

Protección del medio ambiente y reciclable .
No contiene sustancias nocivas para el medio ambiente, y para superar el carbono partícula tradicional negro PAH los efectos adversos en los seres humanos y el medio ambiente , y los productos TurfSoccer reciclables .

duro compactado
Material de goma original formado por fricción o de baja fricción con los objetos circundantes causan los objetos irregular césped cubierto después de llenar la capa de estructura de propagación . Este período , estas partículas como rompecabezas como para mover o desplazar en una capa de relleno más robusto, lo que resulta en el césped uñas muy duras en la parte inferior de los zapatos no puede ser re - infiltrada . TurfSoccer esto no va a suceder.

Monday, September 30, 2013

TurfSoccer famosos fabricantes de césped sintético

TurfSoccer famosos fabricantes de césped sintético, es la producción de variedades de césped artificial cubre tenis, golf, hockey, fútbol, césped del estadio cuencos necesario, también se puede utilizar en la piscina, que está rodeada de jardines, azoteas, parques y otros sitios de recreación.

El césped sintético con fibras sintéticas como materia prima, en general la adición de la cantidad apropiada de absorbente de radiación ultravioleta y el nylon tinte, textil de polipropileno en forma de filamentos se aplicó al sustrato de resina hecho. Su durabilidad, alta permeabilidad al agua, todo tipo de clima, larga vida, hermoso, coste inferior para las escuelas de todo el mundo, deportes, casino utilizados.

TurfSoccer césped sintético se había reconocido por la ITF, la FIFA, la Asociación Internacional de Hockey.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

TurfSoccer hockey artificial turf to get the highest level of FIH-site certification

TurfSoccer hockey artificial turf to get the highest level of FIH-site certification

November 3, the International Hockey Federation (FIH) to TurfSoccer produced and installed the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou, home to hockey - hockey rink Guangdong Olympic Sports Center awarded at the international level "GLOBAL" level certification (ie "the world's most advanced ", the scope is: a world-class hockey tournament, designated international hockey competitions, national hockey competitions), and in the International Hockey Federation (FIH) announced to the world on the official website. The detection of a total of four venues, in addition to all through the International Hockey Federation (FIH) accredited laboratory certification, the main playing field has been the world's highest level of certification venues, and the remaining three were training field through the International Hockey Federation (FIH ) site certified quality acceptance. Guangzhou Asian Games hockey competition venues obtain this certification, marking the International Hockey Federation (FIH) recognized the stadium had been achieved using the world's most advanced game standards.

The TurfSoccer provided and certified by the hockey grass "ACTURF NFH -12 model," which four Asian Games tournament venue is experienced in foreign countries under the guidance of teachers installed by TurfSoccer installed. In addition to that the company is the only one capable of producing international-type events require artificial turf products, and have independently mounted type Going international manufacturers for our artificial turf industry has played a good role model and promote.

Monday, September 9, 2013

England League or new revolution 17 years later allowed to use synthetic turf

England League or new revolution 17 years later allowed to use synthetic turf

Currently in England before the four -level professional league team , the home must be arranged in laying natural turf pitch. However, according to the "Daily Mirror" reported , the future professional league in England may be allowed in the laying of artificial plastic turf stadium .

England Football League chief operating officer Andy - Williamson said, "This is the first time in nearly 20 years, we explicitly consider whether to allow the synthetic turf stadium League currently professional league attitude on this issue is fair and open , of course, this decision will affect all of the professional team , so we will hold a vote , everyone can have their say . "

In fact English football in the 1980s, there have been synthetic turf pitches, then QPR , Luton , Oldham , Preston 4 professional team's home stadium is the synthetic turf . But then the production of synthetic turf technology is not perfect , a lot of visitors difficult to adapt to the laying of synthetic turf pitches , and that the home team's home advantage is too large, the ultimate professional league in 1989 England Investigation Committee passed a resolution in 1995 banned the use of artificial pitch .

However, with the production of synthetic turf technology, FIFA and UEFA has adopted a resolution in 2004 , allowing the synthetic turf stadium race . 2010 South Africa World Cup group match Algeria Slovenia is in synthetic turf stadium , which is also the first ever conducted on the synthetic turf World Cup .

synthetic turf with PA, PP, PE and other plastic pull into a wire , and then through the weaving together of grass machine sewn . And natural grass , synthetic turf has the advantage of low maintenance costs , and regardless of the weather factors. At present, many European leagues are small team's home laying synthetic turf, for example, Cesena and Novara Serie A , Ligue Lori ( microblogging ) Aung and Nancy .

Besides the Russian league with cold weather are basically synthetic turf, in the 2008 European Cup qualifier, England lost 1-2 away to Russia, then let the synthetic turf from the Premier League players who are not suited . Wait until England League have begun to use synthetic turf , the future England players were able to gradually adapt , but also help them to Russia to participate in the war in Europe or the national team .

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Domestic sports surface manufacturers such as artificial lawn industry

Domestic sports surface manufacturers such as artificial lawn industry, rely on innovation to improve product quality, there is obviously insufficient. Often "herd, blindly follow the trend," there is little unique and differentiated products. Therefore, mostly restricted to the price war, counterfeiting and other vicious competition. And foreign enterprises, in product development, quality management, with respect to foreign companies is far too weak. In response to this situation, companies want to get more development is bound to continue to take advantage of new technologies, the introduction of new products to better meet the needs of the market. This can be a combination of research, the use of university research and talent advantage, play high-tech radiation. Specifically, through the establishment in the park business service center, on the one hand to support a variety of high-tech development company founded university, university research to accelerate the process of transformation products; hand to encourage businesses to those prospects and in a relatively short time to develop a research project to study high-tech products. Secondly, the establishment of a joint experiment center: the universities, research institutes and enterprises established in cooperation established research and development institutions, engineering research centers, such as relatively independent research organization. Again, companies affiliated Institute modes: namely enterprises according to their own needs subsidiaries established in-house Research Institute. Finally, the project combined model, that universities, research institutes and medium-sized enterprises undertake projects from technological innovation, equipment modification, research problems such as the angle of research cooperation, which is our present cooperative a common form.

In the past ten years, I have been engaged in the surface layer and sport science-related work, in materials science, product development and engineering has little experience, there are four aspects want to communicate with you: First Movement fibrous materials, including silk artificial lawn, tennis lines; Second, sports protective material, focusing on XPE, PP and rubber foam and foam morphology control technology to be used for wrestling, judo, boxing, diving protection ; three sports supplies, including sports stadiums and sports venues of the ground material such as energy-saving materials; four are functional and composite materials. Such as for deep-sea diving suit phase change material, the use of the phase transition process endothermic, exothermic characteristics remain the diver's body temperature constant. Such as resin-based carbon fiber composite materials, mainly for bicycles, rowing and other sports equipment.

I hope Chinese enterprises to "independent innovation promoting technological progress, China sports materials industry development services" for the purpose, focusing on China's sports industry needs to grasp the campaign materials industry trends, the continued development of proprietary high-level scientific and technological achievements.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Some synthetic grass design of drainage systems, lawn permeable cushion

synthetic grass is plastic fiber products as raw materials, the use of artificial methods produced "fake grass", compared to natural grass, synthetic grass has unique characteristics, braided nylon woven grass, finished into a blanket. Fascicles with inlaid turf compared to woven synthetic grass production procedures are complicated and relatively expensive lawn surface hardness, buffer performance is not good, but the lawn is good, strong and durable, ideal for tennis, hockey, lawn bowling movement. Mosaic lawn lawn with braided compared leaf fiber length longer and larger changes, and can be adjusted according to specific needs. The grass filled quartz sand, rubber granules or a mixture of both, etc. Appearance performance is closer to natural grass, indoor and outdoor installation, suitable for soccer, football, baseball and so on.

production of synthetic grass synthetic grass choice of materials and the production of materials in general, there are two: polypropylene and polyethylene. PP material for synthetic grass solid buffer force is smaller, generally applies to smaller impact sports such as tennis. PE materials and synthetic grass is soft, cushioning, good performance, the athlete's harmful effects, suitable for larger impact sports such as football, rugby and so on. Mixing two materials may be produced synthetic grass, so the advantages of both can be integrated to meet the special needs of competition. For some high-intensity sports competitions, in order to improve the quality and minimize competition injuries of athletes, the choice of synthetic grass, generally to choose comparatively high fiber material, but also to select PEsynthetic grass or PE / PP synthetic grass hybrid material.

synthetic grass

Some synthetic grass design of drainage systems, lawn permeable cushion, the base layer in the design of drainage channels, the construction of such a structure is more complex lawn, a higher cost. However, some systems did not design the drainage system, it would have to rely on the natural slope of the surface drainage, and therefore require a higher surface construction. Before the construction of the synthetic grass, turf quality and economy in order to ensure effective, these four factors should be the main consideration. In addition to these four main factors, there are other factors such as primary treatment, bonding adhesive for selection. Construction of synthetic grass playground, in the choice of synthetic grass height, the general court to consider the overall budget, synthetic grass, height relatively high synthetic grass, their construction and maintenance cost is also relatively high, many schools in Europe often choose the high ground lawn of 19mm, 25 ~ 32mm height completely synthetic grass playing field can provide a high-quality, and some of the synthetic grass sports professional usually high at 50 ~ 55mm, the height generally considered ideal synthetic grass limit.

With synthetic grass manufacturing process matures, its basic manufacturing relative has been perfect, so in the past in order to stabilize the sand filled turf practice has gradually been eliminated, now filled with more ways to use 100% rubber particles. Filled sand or rubber particles are mostly medium-sized, and in filling it before the wash. For some larger impact strength sports such as football, soccer, etc., should be appropriately increased the proportion of rubber particles to minimize the athlete's injury. Impact strength for those small or no impact action, such as tennis courts, sports fields, as long as the space can be homogeneous hardness, less demanding of the buffer, so the choice of the filling material larger room. Depth filled synthetic grass or rubber particles of quartz sand filling depth selected according to the purpose and the lawn of the high beam.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Laying with glue on artificial grass encyclopedic

Laying with glue on artificial grass encyclopedic

artificial grass

TurfSoccer to share with you about artificial grass laying with glue encyclopedic. Now glue the domestic market more types of artificial grass, generally concentrated in Shandong, Jiangsu and Guangdong are several main origin. artificial grass glue Usage: metal, rubber, glass, leather, plastic, paper, cloth, foam, wood glue. Dedicated to the laying of the construction of artificial grass of polypropylene, polyester, nylon, cloth bonding. Features: viscosity, glue for quality pine material loss is not easy, can save with glue and sticky early and strong, easy to operate, water resistance, weather resistance.

How to use:
Wood surface cleaning, removal of the wood surface of the water, oil and dust, when necessary, appropriate kibble or solvents to clean.

Brush Quantity: 100 - 200g/m2

Drying: Natural dry bath 15-50 minutes or dried at 50-60 ℃, 6-10 minutes to fit.

Please note that when using this agent's workplace ventilation and away from sources of ignition.
The agent Store in a cool dry place and not close to the fire.
Brushes and other utensils, immediately after the use of toluene solvent cleaned for the next use.

Appearance: yellow mucus
Active ingredient: Synthetic rubber (synthetic, rubber)
Viscosity: (15000-18000cps, 25 ℃
Solid content: 45 ± 2%
Expiry date: two years

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

artificial turf schedule arrangements and names

artificial turf schedule arrangements and names

artificial turf project name, project schedule requirements Stadium artificial turf, with a total duration of 35 calendar days. artificial turf projects, playground total area of ​​about 7,466 square meters, including the original lawn grass paving 12cm6% cement powder, paving 8cm thick concrete cushion, laying artificial grass football field and improve supporting facilities, the specific content and artificial turf project amount to provide a full set of tender drawings, intermediary budgets and relevant information, including the full content. Field conditions
          1, artificial turf projects outside the scope of road was passable large vehicles, equipment and materials for the construction approach.
          2, water supply, power supply: the scene to provide positioning control point elevation and construction of temporary water and electricity connection ports, require the successful installation of separate units of construction of water, electricity meters, according to water, electricity meters surrender the actual amount of water and electricity to the building of a month units, water pipeline construction site as required by the successful tenderer resolve themselves, with construction conditions.
          3, the venue of the "leveling" has been completed, the temporary facility location determined by us in consultation with the owners, immediately after entering our construction.
          artificial turf engineering characteristics:
          1 excavation sites are used backhoe excavator, artificial trimming  Sinotrans used dump truck moving soil, site construction site as missing, all the earthworks are timely Sinotrans.
          (2) The artificial turf project construction period, heavy task, be sure to co-ordinate the pre-construction planning, science arrangements in order to ensure that artificial turf projects completed on time and durability.
          3 construction site surrounded by a safety net enclosure, strengthen management, set up special security on duty every day.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Why choose synthetic turf?

Why choose synthetic turf?

The impact of weather natural turf rootzones is mixed sediment body structure has plenty of pore water and precipitation processes can accumulate water, play water cultivation effect. Hot weather, the turf grass with roots deep in the water received through transpiration effect take four weeks the situation a lot of heat, useful for lowering the ground temperature, conditioning necessarily within the confines of the small weather. synthetic turf plateau bed constructed from rubber, concrete or asphalt composition, water simply can not play the cultivation effect, so can not reduce the surface temperature and the heat capacity is small, resulting in surface temperature significantly higher than the air temperature, especially in the block-style stadium this problem is more severe.

Summer noon hours, synthetic turf field can look to the surface near the heated air has clearly distorted picture. For the implementation of the data indicated, 30 ℃ high temperature above premise, the appearance of natural turf uniform temperature below the temperature of 2 ℃ to 3 ℃, while the synthetic turf surface temperature is higher than the temperature 6 ℃ to 11 ℃, and with rising temperatures, synthetic turf surface temperature rise should be clear than natural turf. In the summer, synthetic turf surface temperature is very high, if the attack at this time compared to its use by intense friction, contact with the skin will suffer severe damage. Impact of the situation on the air condition affecting natural lawn constituted by the green plants, You can use these lifelong collaboration through the light rationale metabolic process receives carbon dioxide and release oxygen, and can receive sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia, chlorine and other toxic gases, purify the air effect. There are distinct natural turf blocking effects of dust, measured according marked life in scraping thirty-four wind, bare ground air dust concentration of 13 times over the lawn.

Studies show, 25 square meters of lawn can be a small reception I fully exhaled carbon dioxide, is converted into oxygen, contentment human respiratory oxygen required for the process. synthetic turf is made of polyethylene, polypropylene and other polymers made from non-living matter, can not introduce new movement for green plants, and not having a conditioning effect of atmospheric oxygen balance. Although synthetic turf can be blocked to some extent, dust, toxic gases but does not have to receive air purification function, synthetic turf. In addition, low levels of synthetic turf fiber technology often contain chlorine impurities at high temperatures, strong sunlight premise would differentiate and release chlorine and damage air quality.

The final product of natural grass hay residues that occur in the floor bed sediment microbial differentiation effect, the conversion of organic matter in the soil from the new back. Final scraps non-toxic, harmless sediment inclusion bodies, one can add organic matter to improve after another he used to do. The primary component of polyethylene synthetic turf are non-biodegradable materials, after 8-10 brother of the cuts, the composition of several tonnes of polymer waste. Common foreign takeover by professional companies to receive degradation, and then complete the capital regeneration applications, domestic Highways engineering can be used as the foundation of filler. Going to other uses, such as by the need to eliminate the root of asphalt or concrete bottom.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

artificial turf grass green greenery natural successor

artificial turf grass green greenery natural successor

One from the foreign authority's statistics report shows that in recent years, artificial turf in greening projects in proportion to the area occupied by a double-digit average annual rate of growth over more than 70% of respondents as the courtyard of the artificial turf greening of choice.

artificial turf and now have 40 years of history, it is the beginning originated in the United States, it was not in the ceiling of the natural grass can not grow underneath, in order to solve this problem, the use of artificial turf. Since then artificial turf from the U.S. to the worldwide popularity, the formation of grass Americas, Europe, grass, Australia, and Asia Grass Grass split the market situation and the Americas because of a long history of grass, materials and advanced technology have a stronger market competition force. artificial turf field has a very big advantage, and no doubt will be more and more widespread use.

Insiders pointed out: "The advantage of it is the artificial turf in the green flowers become a true successor who deserved." It is reported that, artificial turf was originally born in 1966 in the United States a military project, was widely used in football, baseball, soccer, golf courses and other sports venues, and gradually "to seize" a civilian courtyard "turf."

According to reports, artificial turf with real plants can not be compared with many advantages: all-weather, beautiful evergreen, safety and environmental protection, simulation, durability, economy, maintenance-free, simple construction. From a study by the University of California at Irvine can clearly see that these advantages, the report pointed out that the maintenance of a 20 square meters large natural turf, about 80,003 a year one thousand liters of water (quite a year domestic water consumption), plus a lawn mower fuel use and waste emissions, so green is actually not environmentally friendly.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Professional Soccer&Football Grass S50252-B

S50252(Professional Soccer/Football Grass)


1)Made of FIFA approved fibrillated yarn

2)Keep the rubber granules and quartz sand stay in situ

3)Soft touching without skin abrasions

4)Minimize the frictional damage to the grass

5)Excellent durability and resilience

6)Good anti-UV ability


Pile height 20-65mm
Yarn weight 8800 Dtex
Yarn type PE / Fibrillated / 6 F
Color         Field Green+olive Green
Guarantee 6-8 years

synthetic turf

This product information comes from TurfSoccer.

Friday, June 14, 2013

In developing countries, the role of artificial lawn has been greatly improved

In developing countries, the role of artificial lawn has been greatly improved

Based on current market conditions, there are many manufacturers to discount the means to achieve the purpose of competition in the market, but you know, this reduction means is usually achieved by reducing the cost of the product, and some manufacturers even boast their market to ultra-low-cost sales of artificial lawn, its use superior raw materials are imported. Everyone should know that if they say the truth, then they must be very high production costs. Manufacturers must be required profitable, otherwise it will not be maintained, it is a clear pendulum commercial sense.

Because artificial lawn is different from other general product, no matter what kind of ways to reduce costs, must meet satisfy sports performance indicators, thus reducing the cost of this approach will directly affect the quality of the product. Now artificial lawn industry a bit like a few years ago the domestic tourism industry, we are to compete for market share at the expense of playing the "price war", which led to the entire tourism industry, the overall quality of service landslide.

Pricing of products in the market is the need of the market to determine, for each different artificial lawn products whose market pricing should be different, and its exposure to consumer groups should also have high, medium and low end points. Thus, artificial lawn space users according to their actual needs and project budget, considering the many ways to choose their own artificial lawn products. You know, school artificial venue users are the future of our country, the venue is good or bad will directly or indirectly affect their growth.

artificial lawn

TurfSoccer artificial lawn

Now in artificial lawn venues tender projects, most of the users are used to directly specify product approach. Such as specifying an artificial lawn brand, and thus a good grasp of procurement related products, artificial lawn in the fundamental guarantee the quality of products. This practice has been acknowledged by the industry and users. But any way can not go to extremes, such as very individual user by specifying the grass fibers to choose artificial lawn, this approach is very wrong. You know, good or bad impact on the quality of artificial lawn space factor is very large, grass fiber is just one factor, so this one-sided approach is not desirable.

Chinese-made artificial lawn export volume has exceeded the 2009 total domestic market. Today, there are still some owners on how to choose a high standard, quality and reliable products in the lawn doubts, in fact, get FIFA venues certification business is the highest guarantee of product quality. As is currently the highest standards of performance soccer grass makers, to increase the artificial lawn FIFA's promotional efforts, to improve the overall quality level of the venue, especially for developing countries outside Europe, in support of FIFA and under the influence, artificial lawn performance in different regions, especially in developing countries has been greatly improved.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hong Kong Open five third-generation synthetic grass pitch

Hong Kong Open five third-generation synthetic grass pitch

To meet the public's increasing demand turf pitches, in conjunction with the development of football in Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department recently opened five third-generation synthetic grass soccer field for public use.

LCSD Acting Assistant Director (Leisure Services) Richard WONG said that in view of the public on the use of third-generation synthetic grass soccer field response, the LCSD will continue to provide more third-generation artificial turf football field.

Into service five new third-generation synthetic grass soccer field located at Happy Valley Recreation Ground, Wong Chuk Hang Playground, Morse Park and Kowloon Tsai Park, all converted from natural grass pitches, respectively, in the last month and was opened for public use.

Richard WONG said that the LCSD has plans to gradually will be part of the existing natural grass pitches, turned into a third generation synthetic grass soccer field, and will be completed in the new venue to provide more of this synthetic grass football field.

He said: "The third-generation synthetic grass soccer field grass pitches better meet the public's needs and the needs of the development of football. Because it protected from the weather, with less wear and tear, the monthly number of sections available for use than natural turf pitches four times more. "

Explained Richard WONG, natural grass growth vulnerable to objective factors such as weather, sunshine and rainfall, etc., coupled with after use can cause wear and tear, it is now up to each monthly natural grass soccer field can only open about 60 to maintain the quality of the grass. Relative synthetic grass soccer field are not subject to the weather, the monthly number of up to 270 usable field.

He said: "relative to real grass football pitch, synthetic grass soccer field loss less, so maintenance costs are cheaper; together without the use of pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers, it is more environmentally friendly."

Is the third generation of artificial grass synthetic grass fibers implanted particular substrate, and add sand and rubber particles, both in texture, soccer rebound and speed are very close to natural grass. The artificial turf is very suitable for football, and comply with FIFA standard synthetic grass soccer field, many European countries are beginning to use as a football training and competition venues.

LCSD after consulting the views of the Hong Kong Football Association, the construction of the third generation synthetic grass soccer field, to ensure compliance with football development and training needs.

LCSD there were 11 in the third generation synthetic grass football field. The first reconstruction of the third generation synthetic grass soccer field for the Kowloon Tsai Park One stadium, opened in May 2003 using the current average utilization rate of almost 90%, up to 100 percent during peak hours.

Richard WONG said that the LCSD is planning alterations seven natural turf pitches project is expected to be launched at the end of the year.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

TurfSoccer has 10 years of artificial grass field experience in international competitions

TurfSoccer has 10 years of artificial grass field experience in international competitions and has already paved the 50 million square meters of artificial grass, and successfully used in the world's top clubs, the World Cup using TurfSoccer products can greatly improve the company's image.

Professional Soccer & Football Grass S50435 is TurfSoccer one of the products, in 2001 had been exhibited in Cologne exhibition promotion, Others include artificial grass series.

Professional Soccer & Football Grass S50435 is 100% natural grass, but the grass grow under 200mm implanted layer 20 million synthetic fibrous root system, with a total length of up to 40,000 km, used to strengthen the roots of the natural grass, synthetic fibers accounted roots 3% of the total grass. Should belong to strengthen the roots of the natural grass, the purpose is to make the venue during the World Cup to meet the high frequency and high intensity game.

In addition, TurfSoccer's customers include the U.S. Rabo Bank, ABN-AMRO Bank, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Marriott Hotel Group, Virgin Atlantic, The Netherlands KPN Group.

Monday, May 27, 2013

In these places, artificial grass soccer field advantage emerged.

The advantage of natural turf is well known, in which it is the main game for all levels of the characteristics are widely used. However, in case of bad weather, will be limited, that the use by, technology has played both games will also be affected. Climatic conditions in many parts of the world is very bad, so the growth and maintenance of natural grass to become a problem, it is difficult to have enough natural grass. Even if, site conditions are very poor. In these places, artificial grass soccer field advantage emerged.

In the construction of football field, always want to consider the design to make adequate sunshine, rain and wind to meet the needs of growing natural grass. But now more and more inclined to build a covered stadium structure, this type of course is more suited for artificial grass.

Similarly, the use of artificial grass, soccer shipped shipped in the most attractive start, stop, turn around, blocking, tackling, beyond such action will not be affected by climate change.

In the high-quality artificial grass venues, athletes can not hesitate to make a variety of actions, such as tackles or sliding without having to worry about bodily harm. In the high-quality artificial grass venues, athletes can also be used with the same shoes on a natural grass field, a good filler particles with the artificial grass field can make shoes to play better grip attached effect, so that athletes can be arbitrary complete a variety of difficult moves.

High retention capacity of the artificial grass field, a combination of the characteristics of natural turf suitable match to make athletes safer, more comfortable, the most important thing is to maintain low cost, versatile, and thus has been developing rapidly.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

artificial turf is to ensure conservation and management

artificial turf is to ensure conservation and management

1, pp timely irrigation lawn irrigation frequency and irrigation field size depends on the amount of grass seed, soil type, season, temperature, wind and use other factors, on the lawn is no immutable irrigation management model, the total requirement is not to produce turfgrass Drought is the principle that should be more than soil moisture to evaporate and lawn green lawn evaporation and transpiration combined. Beijing region growing season weekly pouring 1 - 2 times a permeable (seepage depth 15 - 20cm), generally growing season every 2 - 3 weeks pouring a permeable. Hot season, the hottest in the daytime when the water may be short (5 - 10min / times), to reduce the ground temperature, the grass burns. Football timely lawn to avoid frequent irrigation.

2, pp lawn fertilizer according to soil fertilization for fertility and lawn determined by the amount of fertilizer needed, usually through fertilization to supplement the shortfall. When turfgrass color fades when fertilization is required visual signs. According to sports turf grass characteristics, fertilization should be based on low-nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium principles (N: P: K = 10:15:30, the active ingredient ratio). Lawn fertilizer per year should reach 40 - 20g / square meter level (fertilizer), fertilizer types urea and compound fertilizer is better. Year in spring, summer, autumn and three application periods, spring applied nitrogen and enough phosphorous, potassium, Shi per month up to 30g / m², of which N: P: K = 1:0.5:0.5. Annually at least to execute 1 - 2 times organic fertilizer (should be full maturity), when in the early spring or any warranty and teaching casing, town p pressure simultaneously. Inappropriate early neonatal grass fertilizer, pruning at least three times before applying.

3, pp ground pruning pruning is to maintain the most effective means of artificial turf, trimmed in turfgrass tolerance range, low repair before the lawn is to increase the density and effective way to maintain vigorous growth. At this time, the amount of time to keep trim and 1/2 the amount of leaves, is lawn mowing must follow five principles. When the grass grows to 5 - 6cm high when you can trim. Scissors should be sharp, stubble height 4 - 5cm, each cut section shall not exceed the high grass of 1/3. When drought, hot summer, the early growth stage should be raised mowing height than usual stubble height can be 1/2. Pruning should be noted that direction, avoiding at the same place repeatedly in the same direction before repair.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Coastal region the opportunity to build an artificial turf pitch to host the WTA Finals at the end of the year

When the women's tennis top players are campaign Crown events - Indian Wells Open, WTA chairman and CEO Stacey - Alistair unexpectedly appeared in Beijing, and the purpose of this trip is to examine the process of applying for WTA Tour finals in Tianjin readiness.

Just the study completed of Alistair in Tianjin city to stay deep impression. "The trip to Tianjin is the main purpose of my trip to China, the city left me a deep impression, because it has developed rapidly, especially in coastal areas. Coastal region the opportunity to build an artificial turf pitch to host the WTA Finals at the end of the year, we have also seen their East Asian Games tennis court, which is the second choice of their venues. "They have a lot of ambition is also very confident that it will be able to host this event, and we and they were very construction conversation. "

Previously, WTA officials have traveled to the other two candidate cities Monterrey, Mexico and Singapore to inspect, she said for the other two cities are very satisfied. "We are very fortunate to have three global cities bid to host the finals of the WTA Tour, these cities have been the great support of the Government, they very much hope that the women's tennis show in the world, but also hope to form a long-term cooperation with the WTA relationship. they have a good opportunity and ability to host the tournament, the three cities have been completed before the end of April, they have the opportunity to adjust their bid, then we will be in Florida announced the final winning city. "Alistair said.

She also expressed the hope that hope to sign a long-term contract with the new host city for the best five-year contract, and after this event has been from 2002 to 2005 for four consecutive years, held in Los Angeles, in the United States, which since 1972 the first to do the longest since the year-end finals. Alistair finals of the ATP year-end contract with London for seven years, this mode of long-term cooperation for the event organizers to bring maximum benefits, but also to promote long-term development of the tennis. WTA tournament calendar has almost running at full capacity, and that means we really do not have too much space to add more events, the mobility of the Finals is a rare opportunity, it can bring the world's top players, which is obviously can inspire local youth to join the tennis which, in Istanbul has well proved. "Turning to the the WTA finals held significance, Alistair said.

2013 WTA finals will be held in Istanbul, capital of Turkey, from 2014, WTA finals will be held in a new city. With the rapid increase of China's economic development and the level of women's tennis, China has the network, broadcast network, Shenzhen Open tennis tournament, including the three races, two races in Wuhan and Hong Kong will also increase next year, Tianjin can host the finals at the end of the year, then China will be a year to host the six WTA tournament.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The urban artificial turf and human health

The urban artificial turf and human health

So-called "urban lawns, the city formed by low vegetation plants green, artificial turf is an important part of urban greening. The botanist forest called the "lungs of the earth", urban lawns and green called "the lungs of the city" or "city emerald.

The foreign attaches importance to artificial turf has long been a tradition for centuries has formed a culture - "lawn Culture". The United States has a vast territory, land and most of the millions of square kilometers located in the temperate zone, the eastern and central everywhere lawn, can be described as the "Lawn Kingdom". American lawn, green as the sun, air and water is just as important as landscaping, to improve the living environment and health promotion initiatives. Therefore, the American people family yard has a large area of ​​lawn and trees and flowers.

Urban lawns and flowers and trees to create a better living environment, has brought huge benefits to mankind, people everywhere enjoy nature's bounty. Lawn, fresh air, beautiful environment, and no rolling the threat of sand and dust pollution, and soil and water conservation, regulation of climate and temperature, all of which are beneficial to human health. The lawn is not only exhilarating, filled with energy and beauty of color, but also has grass posture and grass fragrance. Lawn plant or upright upright or prostrate, such as blankets, or green as emerald, giving aesthetic pleasure. Evergreen, green grass Artificial Turf is popular with people of all ages and loved!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

plus careful specialization maintenance, can guarantee artificial turf with high quality

Behind China's major league vegetable, reflected the situation of Chinese football caught between survival Stadium responsibility is unknown, the parties passing the buck, abuse of the chaotic management. Jianye marine stadium the distant foot home West football stadium, home of the can Tiantai football field, are standard vegetable on them, we see more of the embarrassing situation of Chinese football and helpless. - The picture shows the 2009 Jianye sailing football field, Jianye buyout bid of 118 million at the end of 09, after replacement of the artificial turf, but now, the marine stadium is still a vegetable plot.

Domestic artificial turf, is divided into two kinds of cool-season grasses and warm season grasses. Football stadium mainstream laying of cool-season grass, cool-season grass green long period, be able to keep in March -11 evergreen, China's Zoysia is a cool-season grass species available, the disadvantage is impatience step, foreign cold quarter the grass Kangni grass, midnight grass is resistant to trampling varieties, like the work, home Luneng Shandong Province, body, are selected foreign-resistant stampede quality grass seed, plus careful specialization maintenance, can guarantee artificial turf with high quality, can be said that the cool-season grass is the most basic guarantee of quality venues. Chinese football field in more than a decade ago was widely used warm season grasses leaf grass, this artificial turf, although the cost is small, only 60 yuan per square meter, while the quality of cool-season grass you need close to 200 yuan per square meter, a investment million. The shortcomings of the warm season grasses, green short-term, most of the autumn and winter dry, in addition to the big-leaf grass leaves, insects like to eat, maintenance costs as a result of relatively large. In short, do not vote the money to the introduction of high-quality grass seed, the end result can only be a stadium into vegetable plots.

Stadium artificial turf is not just kind of go on the bin, the latter part of the conservation is more important. The high-quality grass needs to have specialized in the sports turf establishment construction of a variety of devices, equipment, cultivate a well-trained, the conservation team working under various conditions. In addition, the site infiltration drainage systems, cultivation layer construction preparation, automatic sprinkler system design, construction, installation and lawn planting and maintenance management, we need enough inputs. - The picture shows the June 2006, Folado happily lead Shide all the players to participate in voluntary labor to the Golden State Stadium, New Artificial Turf Shop for Golden State Stadium, Stadium the replacement artificial turf maintenance, Golden State Stadium in recent years numbered. The Jinzhou Stadium Artificial Turf, still laying in 2009, has a three-year. Under normal circumstances, if the conditions should be a one-year change.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Many people underestimate the importance of pruning synthetic turf.

The turfgrass pruning principle: the trim is the most basic all turf management measures in one of the measures. Pruning is to remove part of the growth of stems and leaves. Under certain conditions, the trim can be maintained turfgrass grown under a certain height, increased tillering, and promote the development of the horizontal stolons and rhizomes, increase turf density, narrows the lawn grass blades, lawn ornamental and movement. Restrictions are not anti-manicured weed growth, to suppress turfgrass reproductive growth. However, it is important to turfgrass do not like pruning, but can tolerate pruning. Sometimes see the manicured lawn grass is very beautiful, healthy, often mistaken for pruning good turfgrass actually trim the lawn grass is a stress. The trimmed the monoclonal lawn grass on the physiological and morphological and turfgrass community ecology have a greater impact. It can cause the blade root growth was suspended, cut turfgrass photosynthesis, reducing of turfgrass carbohydrate production and accumulation, thus affecting the other functions of the lawn grass. Trim leaves left wound pathogenic microorganisms to create invasion opportunities. A short period of time to increase the moisture loss of the blade tip portion, affect the roots of water absorption. But do not forget, lawn grass is grass domesticated from itself has the characteristics of anti-herbivore grazing; lawn grass trim antibiotics, but pruning is a modern form of grazing.

Turfgrass ability pruning is mainly due to the the turfgrass Asian apical meristem and from the stem base, horizontal internodes develop new plants. There are at least 10,000 kinds of grasses, less than 50 species can endure continuous pruning. These plants by increasing the density below the mowing height to compensate for the loss of part of the blade. The greater the density, the more green plant tissue to produce the desired plant carbohydrate.

Many people underestimate the importance of pruning synthetic turf. A mowing height is moderate, trim timely lawn, weeds, pests and diseases with a strong resistance, bright green colors and robust lawn. Pruning is not timely, often leads to too many one-time trim grass, which will ultimately enable the lawn becomes sparse, and the plaque is obvious, even burns symptoms.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How to identify FIFA certified artificial grass pitches?

How to identify FIFA certified artificial grass pitches?

Recently found that many companies on how to identify artificial grass companies or artificial grass pitch, whether FIFA FIFA witnesses not particularly understand sports resource network, especially a topic for everyone to do to introduce this knowledge, I hope we can bring to help.

Certified by FIFA, on the court a series of detection Stadium formation and the ball rolling and rebound, we do not detail this regard and detection laboratory in every continent , but also must be approved by FIFA, otherwise the result will not be an admission.

If your stadium through rigorous testing, then you can get a qualification certificate, that is, we are talking about FIFA certification.

On the certificate will indicate FIFA certification Stadium name has been the use of the site is what type of artificial grass varieties, as well as the full name of the site contractors. Finally, and most important is that the site certification period. pitches may be valid for one year and some up to three years.

Therefore, we have a certified court should pay particular attention to whether the stadium is valid certification used to deceive, do not appear to happen.

FIFA certification is a certification of the quality of the stadium, it means that the stadium can host the FIFA game, FIFA high level of competition venues have higher requirements, thus creating a stadium star certification.

Star certification is evolved on this basis, but is held on the golf course what type of game is divided, of course, also used on the certificate of one and two stars.

Two stars on behalf of the world's best artificial grass pitches in the U-17 World Cup held in Peru last year, for example, all four artificial grass venues are all two-star venue.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

artificial lawn can be used for general landscaping, sports turf, golf tees and fairways

Kentucky bluegrass hi light shade-tolerant, hi warm and humid, but also a strong ability to cold drought poor growth arrest, hot summer, spring and autumn lush growth; grow well in well-drained, fertile soil and wetlands; roots reproductive capacity, renewable Well, more resistant to trampling. In the northwest region 3 to 4 green, brown in early November; March in Beijing began to turn green, yellow mid to late 12. At -30 ° C in the cold regions the winter.

Kentucky bluegrass gramineous perennial herb leaves smooth, front-end tip slightly cocked, like-like head keel, young leaves are arranged in the leaf sheath for folding; underground rhizomes. Drought and heat resistance is poor, cases in the dry or in the hot summer of slow growth or stagnation, tip yellow, green poor. Kentucky bluegrass requires well-drained, loose texture and rich soil with organic matter, more vigorous growth on calcareous soil, the most suitable pH 6.0 to 7.0.

Establishment and Management

artificial lawn can be used for general landscaping, sports turf, golf tees and fairways. Usually sowing planting. Small seeds, soil depth should not exceed 0.5 cm; appropriate seeding rate of 15 to 20 grams / square meter. Poa Wo seed germination is about 10 to 15 days, turf slower (about 60 days), poor seedling weed competitiveness, often associated with perennial ryegrass, red fescue and other fast-growing grasses Mixture. In cold winter areas, the mixing ratio of perennial ryegrass should generally not exceed 15%.

Kentucky bluegrass dark green leaves, the appearance is very beautiful, meticulous conservation must be done (stubble 3 to 6 cm), it is timely pruning, fertilizing and watering. Such as Kentucky bluegrass life and a longer life, prone to grass cushion, the impact of water, fertilizer penetration and air circulation, resulting in the gradual degradation of the lawn, you can use the vertical cutting machine vertical cut at intervals of 2 to 3 cm, so that do not only improve the permeability of the surface, but also cut off the roots and promote plant tillers, lawn lasting.

Kentucky bluegrass unicast Mixture Mixture has more advantages Mixture recommend the following:

Cold regions: 60% the Kentucky bluegrass +30% red fescue and 10% perennial ryegrass
85% Kentucky bluegrass +15% perennial ryegrass
Kentucky bluegrass 35% +10% +50% red fescue perennial ryegrass +5% creeping bentgrass
Hot, arid regions: 25% the Kentucky bluegrass +65% tall fescue +10% perennial ryegrass
10% Kentucky bluegrass +85% tall fescue +5% perennial ryegrass

Friday, May 3, 2013

The edge of the green / fairway at the junction of wear

The edge of the green / fairway at the junction of wear

During the long summer adversity period, the junction of the periphery of the greens and fairways of the lawn often appear excessive wear and lawn damage. The wear appears mainly due to the the fairway mower mowing operation. The edge of the green greens mowing greens mowing machine and turn U-turn less damage to the lawn. Fairway lawnmower models, if repeated in the same place turn, will cause severe wear of the lawn injury. Order to minimize the the fairway mower lawn damage caused by, we have the following suggestions:

1) frequent adjustments the greens peripheral boundary changes in, by mobile greens peripheral the boundary line, so that the the fairway mower to make a U-turn position, so as not to repeat the turn, make a U-turn at the same position for a long lead Lawn excessive wear at a particular .

2) linear mowing. In summer adversities fairway mower mowing along the arc would lawn cause additional wear and tear damage. The most frequent area of wear Damage at the edge is bent skirts and fairway greens.

3) edge mowing the greens and fairways to be especially careful. The peripheral line mow along the greens cut should reduce the speed of the mower, in order to achieve the best control of the mower routes. Same time, if possible, use the most accurate mower. For example, if you use the five-or seven of the mower in the fairway, greens peripheral boundary line trim triple mower. A lot of golf course management staff and even recommend the use of hand-push green machine.

4) provide good training, fairway mowing know to avoid the fairway peripheral mowing the importance of wear and tear damage in the summer of adversity and how to effectively avoid unnecessary damage. Arrange the most reliable mowing staff in the face of adversity fairway mowing.

5) in serious adversity summer, if possible, should be improved lawn mowing height, reduce lawnmower frequency.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

the general application of synthetic grass in landscape design

The type of lawn

According to different division basis, the lawn can be divided into different types, namely: 1, according to the plant material can be divided into the Junichi lawn, mixed lawn, decorated with flower lawn; 2, according to the function and purpose can be divided into: ornamental lawns, recreation lawn, sports turf, in Slope lawn, shape can be divided into rules lawn, natural lawn.

the general application of synthetic grass in landscape design

Disposes King

Disposes King lawn garden layout is not much, usually with King and background form. Lawn disposes King to use, generally have the following situation.

1 in a larger space applications.

In a large, flat space, in order to highlight its visionary, broad features, you can use a large area of ​​lawn to layout, while accompanied by groups of trees in the distance to be compared, to better reflect the open space. This method is usually used in large parks, botanical gardens and scenic areas which.

2 in a smaller space applications

The layout of some of the smaller space, in the absence of a better approach, it may be to do with lawn general processing. Especially among the small courtyard, landscape trees, comedy and other processing will otherwise narrow space more cramped, if you learn from the Chinese classical garden layout practices, the use of landscape stone corridors processing, the cost is too high, and difficult. This case, lawn layout, in order to achieve a simple, bright, cheerful effect.

3. In Tetraena space in the main King

Snap space is surrounded by all the space formed by the scene, surrounded by the scenery mountains, buildings or tall trees. Layout, lawn layout primary King in Tetraena space, the most commonly used in large trees, enclosed from Snap space, such as the Nanjing Xuanwu Lake Park Leung Chau lawn, located in the central Leung Chau, surrounded by a sycamore, cedar and other tall trees surrounded form a Tetraena space, the central lawn this space Lord King.

4. Rule-green

Rule-green usually round, square, triangle, geometry or other regular pattern, in this case, can be furnished with lawn. Lawn best suited to the characteristics of the performance surface, various shapes can be used lawn performance, size and more casual. For example, before and after the many squares, hotels, office buildings, parking lots are shaped tiles of different rules and lawn built not only satisfy the square, synthetic grass, parking for people's recreation, parking and other features, but also increased the amount of green, improved beauty.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Management good high standard football artificial turf depends primarily on the following factors

The sprinkler system is adequate and timely supply of water to Turfgrass good growth is crucial, so there must be a good irrigation system.

Management good high standard football artificial turf depends primarily on the following factors: (1) the grass floor space; 2. Rootzones scientific design and construction; 3 good golf course drainage and irrigation system and planting scientific conservation and management.

A standard football field design and installation of a range of 30 R = 18-22m Buried nozzle, press the sidelines +1.0 m arranged in a matrix, the nozzle can be selected United States Hunter designed specifically for playground I-41/ADS (stainless steel lance) or I-31/ADS adjustable angle of rotation buried automatic retractable nozzle I-41 type nozzle at the top of the nozzle can be installed grass cup. According to FIFA (FIFA) latest requirements lance ends exposed in Ping bed nozzle diameter shall not be greater than 7cm, can make the whole venue lawn full time to improve the comfort of the venues and athletes foot security.

Sprinkler underground water pipelines are pressure-resistant the 1.0Mpa UPVC plastic pipes and fittings, such as poor water supply conditions, can be used to order in small area sprinkler. Sprinkler HunterICC automatic control box and the corresponding 24V/AC solenoid valve supporting a complete automatic facilities, with 365 days can be set automatically, rainy automatically Minting. Over-voltage protection automatically switches the standby pump and signal alarm device. Reservoir with liquid level control systems, such as embracing lots of water should be a separate filtration devices. The entire water supply system can do to save water, unattended, automatic work.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

What environmental synthetic turf?

What environmental synthetic turf?

The choice of lawn must be combined with environmental factors such as local climate and soil, only to do the adaptation to the environment in order to make the lawn healthy growth, climate and soil factors surrounding environment coordination with, if this do not, then may will not achieve the desired effect of loss of aesthetic value.

, According to which the external environment select the type of grass

1. Different lighting conditions on the choice of a different species. Pearl plum, Phoebe, Faber shade-tolerant species such as poor lighting conditions lawn should be selected.

2. According to the lawn terrain conditions in which to select a different species, such as: at the low-lying water wet Select Fatong, fir, maple, weeping willow trees; choose low shrubs on the windward mouth, or deep root hardy trees.

3. According to soil fertility, pH value hi fertile or barren-resistant species, hi resistance to acidic or calcareous species.

4. Planted in the lawn is generally not the root suckering strong species, such as the torch trees, in order to avoid turf management more difficult.

The location of essential plant and lawn lawn coordinated

1. Squares, parks lawn, you should pay attention to choose to watch high value, better shading effect of trees, such as cedar, ginkgo, Fatong and symbolic species should be selected, and in schools, to commemorate the martyrs park, such as school the lawn planted more Tau, Ziye and other species, which implied spanned meaning Martyrs Memorial lawn planting conifers to heighten the solemn, solemn atmosphere.

2. Heavy polluting factories, roadside lawn, a targeted selection of anti-pollution, species can absorb toxic substances, such as roadside lawn planting paulownia, Sophora japonica, hibiscus, acacia and other anti-noise, Vacuum species, species suitable for planting crape myrtle, Podocarpus, tree, Bi-tao resistance to sulfur dioxide pollution in sulfur dioxide pollution factory lawn.

3. Ginkgo, boxwood fire tree species should be selected in the oil depots, gas stations and other places in the lawn.

, According to the color selection of plants with lawn plants

Garden plants color reflects its ornamental value, if used properly, can play a good effect. On the lawn with plant color plant, the first to pay attention to the different colors to bring people of different feelings, such as: Green gives a refreshing, cool, soft feel, the red gives excited, lively, warm feeling. Secondly, but also pay attention to the different effects arising from the use of color contrast and harmony, there are significant differences in the color in the lawn planted with plants, against each other, and thus more clearly highlight the characteristics of each, makes people feel smart, excited; planted with plants of similar color, you can play a coordination and integration of the kind of effects, such as Bi-tao, crape myrtle, red maple, spring, forsythia planted with lawn outside the stadium. Nursing homes, elderly activity area of ​​lawn dotted with wisteria, hibiscus, iris and are based on the above techniques to achieve very different results.

Lawn planted with plants, but also to grasp the amount of scale, it is necessary to achieve the desired effect, and not overwhelming, but according to the surrounding buildings and their facilities considering the form of the solitary plant trees and the cluster planting plants layout In short, the selection and matching of lawn plants, the formation of a Joe, irrigation, grass multi-level, three-dimensional mixed artificial plant communities, not only broke the lawn a single, dull colors and patterns, and increased the amount of green space green, greatly improving the urban green space ecological benefits, while rich in natural color combinations enhance the greening effect and value of art appreciation.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We probably have to understand the structure of the artificial grass

We probably have to understand the structure of the artificial grass, it is mainly composed of three parts by the the grass fibers bottom, glue. Wire grass material is polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), nylon (Nylon). Currently, in the market, more widespread use of polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Since the two materials are different in terms of performance and price, so that the user in the choice made ​​by the two materials, artificial grass, should be emphasized.

Based on current market conditions, there are many manufacturers to discount the means to achieve the purpose of competition in the market, but you know, discounted, usually by reducing the cost of the product to achieve more boast some manufacturers in the market ultra-low-cost sales of artificial grass, the materials used are superior imported raw materials. We should be clear, if the truth they say, their production costs must be very high. Manufacturers must be profitable, otherwise it will not be maintained, which is a commercial reason that the pendulum. Reduce costs, regardless of the way in which the artificial grass is different from other products must meet the sports performance indicators, and therefore this approach to reduce costs directly affect the quality of the product. Artificial grass industry is a bit like the domestic tourism industry a few years ago, everyone in order to compete for market share at the expense of playing the "price war", resulting in the quality of service for the tourism industry as a whole landslide ......

Products in the market pricing is determined by the need to market to each of the different artificial grass products market pricing should be different from the face of consumer groups should also have high, medium and low end points. Thus Artificial grass venues user should be based on their actual needs and project budget, from several perspectives taken into account to choose the artificial grass products. You know, the school artificial venue users is the future of our country, the good and bad of the venue will directly or indirectly affect their growth.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

the new football field with artificial lawn reason

Landscape effects
1, artificial lawn
The Artificial Lawn football field is always green, not subject to seasonal changes in climate, evergreen throughout the year, with the red plastic track together to form a beautiful landscape of the school.

2, natural lawn
Natural turf soccer field in our country to the fall and winter, most of the lawn will die and brown, to germinate until the following spring, to go through a long period of maintenance period in order to grow up. So that in the long winter, the whole stadium is a yellow or even bare a prime soil. Often turf will be scooped up even in normal use of the process, if not timely replanting, will also affect the visual effects of the plastic playground.

The comfort of the human body
1, artificial lawn
artificial lawn football pitch base is relatively hard, in the above activities is relatively easy to feel tired and prone to static electricity in the above activities.

2, natural lawn
Natural turf soccer activities feel more natural, comfortable, easy fatigue, and Artificial lawn is easy to occur in high-speed movement or tackle, will not produce static electricity.

In summary, natural grass football field in the use of people feel comfortable and natural, but it is an expensive investment and maintenance costs are much higher than the the Artificial Lawn football field, which is also in recent years, many large and medium-sized tertiary institutions and even primary and secondary schools in the reconstruction, the new football field with artificial lawn reason.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

It is understood that this meeting is to pitch synthetic grass

The suppliers are also eager. A just join the female director Chen Yan, there is a problem, she is responsible for Synthetic Grass summer dry spots and moss. The Shanghai Tang Gaosheng Biological Technology Co., Ltd. Manager LEE Wing First replied to both questions is the same, with an imported penetrant can be solved. Yonggang to hand over the microphone, the Nantong Chemate Yuan Jin ran up from behind, he told everyone that they have a soil rejuvenation agent imported from Japan is very effective against dry spots, to welcome Chen Yan to consult. The representative of the Friends of the Green Group Song bibliography also said that their new water injection drilling machine can play to the efficacy of the penetrant tomorrow will show this on the pitch, I hope her to see.

The reporter noted: the whole process of the meeting, a director withdraws. The same time, the supplier does not have the slightest complaint, the contrary, when in the audience to listen to the governors to discuss issues, more than speak on stage but also actively. A fertilizer suppliers in Guangdong, the Director mentioning is the demand point, the suppliers do not have to spend a lot of time to do market research and will be able to get the most realistic demand information, it is not a pleasant thing? He said that he held a meeting in the future have to refer to this form.

More than an hour of discussion unknowingly. Wu Anguo tell you that their stadium ready to choose a new grass, but he learned that through this meeting, there are two courses a lot of problems in the species, "Fortunately, I know the risks and you, otherwise we a big loser. "he said.

It is understood that this meeting is to pitch synthetic grass, director of self-organized, four times a year, the first three as the director of internal communication, neither Suppliers are invited, only the last allows suppliers to participate in the eighth to hold such meeting. Chun told reporters that the purpose of this meeting is director of exchange-oriented, at the same time appropriately left to the supplier exhibition space, perfect docking of supply and consumers through effective discussion.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top events on the high-tech artificial turf

Every four years, the European Cup in full swing, fans across Europe and around the world enjoy this feast. The metal stadium in Kharkov (Kharkiv), Ukraine and the Donetsk Donbass (Donetsk) arena, two stadium host six group matches of the tournament, a quarter of the a final and a semi-final. Two cost 365 million hryvnia, and the $ 400 million stadium use the advanced hybrid artificial turf to ensure its turf to meet the needs of the European Cup soccer tournament in the use of high-strength, high-density. Two turf are manufactured by the Belgian company Desso Sports Systems and installed through the man-made fiber reinforcement processing 100% natural turf.

Top events on the high-tech artificial turf

The two turf due to the use of this turf, Kharkov (Kharkiv) metal Stadium and Donbass Arena, Donetsk (Donetsk) during the European Cup will have a perfect performance. During the European Cup the two turf in order to meet the teams competitions and training needs will be used frequently. Thanks to reinforce the role of man-made fibers, Desso turf guru products will provide a reliable guarantee for the natural grass in any weather. The Ukraine Donetsk (Donetsk) Donbas Arena says CEO Alexander: stadium during the European Cup in 2012 will be held in three weeks, five games, including a game-quarters of a final and a semi-final. Desso turf guru products will allow the stadium sports ground has a perfect performance in the whole of the European Cup. "as one of the tournament hosts Ukraine will be in the stadium for two games. While the Dutch team will play all three group matches in Kharkov (Kharkiv) metal Stadium, including the race of the German team. Just the end of the British and French war in Ukraine, June 11 (time) is also held Donbas Arena in Donetsk (Donetsk).

Hybrid mixed turf system

The artificial turf system is man-made fibers inserted to a depth of at least 20 cm to 2 cm2, a density of 100% natural turf. The result of this is an informal soccer field turf will be about ten million man-made fibers, man-made fiber reinforced natural turf. The originality of this system is that it is buried in the turf under. The roots of the natural grass down growth, so that you can be deeply rooted in the soil around the man-made fibers. This system will allow turf reinforcement obtained in order to ensure the stability of the turf surface at any time have a perfect state. Kharkov (Kharkiv) metal Stadium and Donbas Arena in Donetsk (Donetsk) two turf is installed in the summer of 2011, the two turf successfully withstood the Ukraine in the cold winter.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

synthetic turf, the past two years has become a very popular topic.

synthetic turf, the past two years has become a very popular topic. Various hotels, playgrounds, community and even the government of municipal works, one can see the shadow of synthetic turf, it makes the emergence of a number of expensive and rare plant to enter was difficult to watch people's eyes, not only beautify the environment, universal knowledge; really killing two birds with one stone of good things.

synthetic turf received the people's pursuit of not just this reason. The increasingly rapid pace of modern social life, the pressure of the people's work and life has become increasingly large, spare time, everyone wants to have a place with beautiful scenery to relax the mood, relieve the pressure a bit. Beautiful natural environment, of course, is the first choice, but really spend real grass, natural environment is often limited by time and space to grow some bonsai plants and the lack of time to take care of at home, so people put the sights on a modeling realistic, strong plastic synthetic turf, and easy to take care of the body.

With synthetic turf products continue to be sought after in recent years, the quality and variety of products continue to increase, according to the information: synthetic turf from the original single plastic flowers simulation turf and some simulation small plant development to today's indoor outside the large-scale simulation tree products, the highest production of large-scale simulation of landscape tree can even reach 40 meters! Also developed a fresh class, feel class, flame retardant, anti-UV various types. Not an exaggeration to say, a rare hint of green in the concrete jungle of modern cities, the emergence of synthetic turf adds to people's lives.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Market space, that is, in the artificial grass industry, there is a very debatable breeding and seed production.

Market space, that is, in the artificial grass industry, there is a very debatable breeding and seed production. China has rich resources of grasses, some foreign famous turfgrass species originated in China. Domestic calls for turfgrass breeding and seed production is high, but the lack of operability. High technical requirements of turfgrass breeding cycle is long, nurturing a new breed of investment, coupled with China's Protection of New Varieties are not standardized, so few people will go to the breeding. Seed, there are many difficulties. Basically no independent intellectual property rights of turfgrass varieties, if breeding will be involved in intellectual property, need to pay to foreign varieties fee; foreign grass seed levels of management, and be sold in China in the case of the third grade can only be used to build turf not suitable for further breeding; postharvest seed cleaning equipment and technology is a major obstacle, is difficult to break. Turfgrass breeding and seed production is a long way to go.

Of course, the artificial grass industry's development will not be easy, at this stage there are many constraints.

Management confusion

The vest undetermined administration of the artificial grass industry, the Ministry of Agriculture, State Forestry Administration, the State General Administration of Sport and the Ministry of Construction pipe; turf industry has yet to formulate a unified industry standards and regulations; no special lawn Association. This is also a direct result of the industry and the market is not standardized and vicious competition, affect the healthy development of the turf industry.

Propaganda is not enough

artificial grass as a new member of the garden, is generally accepted to take a long time, science need to be guided. China lawn fee water phenomenon is due to the one-sided pursuit of landscape effects using improper grasses, watering of backward and management unscientific reasons, the geographical distribution of the semi-arid grasslands without distribution of forest is the proof. Therefore, the publicity is very necessary to strengthen the right lawn.

Research is lagging behind lawn pests, summer yellow, winter and dry, fertilization, and many other basic technical issues yet to be resolved, too little on research projects generally related to the training of personnel also can not keep up the speed of development of the industry.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

In 1990, nearly 10,000 square meters of artificial lawn playground

With the application of standards improve, more and more flowers applications will realize the quality difference between the specialized production of flowers and traditional production of flowers, will certainly increase the demand for high-quality flowers. With the Olympics approaching, gardening raising the level of market share makes specialized production is gradually increasing. Flower production and the degree of specialization and product quality should be a combination of domestic conditions, close to the international quality standard flower producers consider raising the professional level of the production facilities and conservation officers from the long-term development, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the quality of floral products.

As greening and beautifying the increasing demand for application the flower type selection requirements and continuously improve the new type of application units preferred. Producer's production plan in addition to the quantity, choose the right types of production is a top priority should be determined according to the season, the production conditions. Lack of quality control system and training system, need to be further strengthened so far, flower production specialization, the low level of large-scale production of more than 90% of the flowers is the place borrow farmers workshop production, the use of their own land and idle labor also sought to cheap production, seed selection. The production conditions limit its production cycle extended to varying degrees, affect the effect of late applications and flowering.

Market institutions need to further improve the It is understood that the system is not perfect flower market, flower growers to determine their own production plans, seek their own sales channels, but only a modest profit or non-profit resale on the flower stall. Flower growers direct investment cost in order to reduce as much as possible-effective, disregards the flowering and the effect of the application after the flowers. At the same time, some flowers applications blind pursuit of the lowest price, they got from the increase in the number of replacement and reduce the ornamental effect, increasing the project costs for the full year. Is the key for the market to determine the varieties for flower producers, according to the market given the exceedingly production, seasonal choose a good flower types.

With the artificial lawn popularity in Europe and the United States and other places, in the mid-1990s, China began to introduce artificial lawn quickly in the sports sector to accept and rapid development, which opened the prelude to the development of artificial lawn industry in China. With the rapid promotion of sports artificial lawn in domestic use, artificial lawn of a large number of foreign brands have poured into the Chinese market, in this environment, domestic gradual emergence by strong foreign equipment and technical support, and the establishment of large-scale modern production base artificial lawn production, sales in one of the national enterprises, at the same time, it also breeds out like Aiqi was rich, 100 Orange has long been well-known brand unanimously recognized and respected by people outside the industry, high-quality artificial lawn.

The excellent characteristics of artificial lawn rapid development in China, although it is popular in China than in Europe, 10 years later, but within a very short time he accepted it. In 1990, nearly 10,000 square meters of artificial lawn playground, since 1997 to enter the Chinese growth to 500,000 square meters to the application area in 1999 two years 2000 and 2001 application area is the rapid development of 1.5 million square meters. 2002-2003 application area reached more than 300 million square meters, the same development curve plastic track, and soon become the new standard of school sports venues with plastic track. Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other major cities for the pilot, and vigorously promote education, sports department of the government to develop a plan on the artificial lawn.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Artificial turf suitable for a variety of climate and environment

artificial turf hard courts

Hard tennis court for the Australian Open, moderate ball speed. Site surface excellent wear resistance, and a relatively small cost, the surface layer feels hard, but also on the basis of the requirements of higher. Widely popular in the international community, are also very popular in China like venue operators and tennis enthusiasts.

· Comply with tennis courts and runways in creating the Association (US TENNIS COURT AND TRACK BUILDERS ASSOCIATION) standard special coatings.
· The special coatings for tennis courts, 100% high quality acrylic material, non-toxic, asbestos-free, environmentally friendly surface materials.
· Artificial turf suitable for a variety of climate and environment, free paint additives, appear in the color of the natural stone powder, lasting color does not fade.
· Long life, the useful life of up to five years (to be added to the surface coating layer).
· Maintenance convenience. The highest cost performance.
         Home, the sub-field of color selection by the customer according to their preferences and decisions. The brand's products available including red, green, gray, including a total of six colors for customers choice at any time.

Product Features:
Bright color, a variety of options
· Artificial turf has excellent wear resistance
· Suitable for a variety of climate and environment, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, color enduring
· Low cost, convenient maintenance

Construction steps:
After the asphalt base (the venue the basis of the surface of stagnant water depth is not more than 3 mm) artificial turf after 10-25 days after conservation, construction, roughly process is as follows:
Chosen specially acidic liquid to clean the site;
To correct the defective portion of the site, to make the venue to meet the required standard;
3, shop painted concrete barrier layer;
4, shop painted the basis of enhancement layer the second floor;
5, shop coated UV-resistant, wear-resistant acrylic finishes the final layer two to three;
6 crossed with marking paint.
1, an adhesive layer: adhesive coated with a layer dedicated in civil engineering concrete substrate capped. The binder is a water-based material, alkali resistance, and can be closely adhered above the concrete surface, and the series of coatings closely combined prevent degumming wrinkling problem.
2, the basis of sealed silicon layer: a non-asbestos, quartz sand and other materials mixed use Shop acrylic emulsion coating, permeability, adhesive strength. Correct site flatness and increase bond strength.
Completion layer: full of colorful, UV-resistant acrylic paint sub-two-story shop coating made to adjust ball speed, enhanced wear resistance.
4, the boundaries of paint: white line paint quality, color saturation, use a long time, hiding power, and ease of use for the stadium site boundaries marking.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is an important feature of the quality of the synthetic grass venues good ball rolling performance.

In fact, compared to a small piece of synthetic grass (1500 m2) is very different, and the use of a standard site (8000 m2). For example: when 10 athletes in a small venue futsal competition, 5V5 average per person occupying 150m2 lawn, when 22 athletes formal 11V11 standard football field game, an average of one person per 360 m2. Obviously the two venues wear situation is not the same.

The above example also did not consider the use of small venues and function space time of growth, for example, the majority of secondary schools in China and even the University venues density is very large, and often a lot of people for a long time the space occupied by. Like this venue strength to choose high-quality, high durability synthetic grass is very necessary.

Is an important feature of the quality of the synthetic grass venues good ball rolling performance. The lawn grass fibers leaves a huge impact on the ball rolling. The quality of the blades of grass fibers is an important guarantee of the performance of the ball rolling, only to ensure the durability of the grass fibers in order to ensure the performance of the golf course for a long time. The grass fibers tear largely reduce the performance of the stadium.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Who will guarantee the quality of the synthetic turf pitch?

Who will guarantee the quality of the synthetic turf pitch?

In November 2006, I reported on a Beijing University of synthetic turf football pitches usage led to some discussion of the synthetic turf industry.

after the use of the synthetic turf pitch, the entire turf system there have been a variety of problems, then who should bear the responsibility? turf suppliers? venue construction contractors? Party?

With this problem, we visited the venue of the relevant class manufacturers and industry experts.

Average data use in Europe in the use of high-strength synthetic turf venues is a very serious problem, a per capita use of an area of 125 square meters, a week of average use time is 60 hours, while in the country and some up to the time of a standard school grounds, almost 400-500 people to use. This incorrect use of the venue, the overload of use, coupled with inadequate grounds maintenance on the synthetic turf stadium now all the circumstances.

Turf system is composed of various parts, all aspects of the mutual influence: the basis of the level of the venue, the quality of the construction, the quality of the turf, the degree of saturation of the filler and the maintenance of late are several key factors that affect the synthetic turf system .

First of all, the basis of the level of the venue is a little attention to the problem. Different location, a different environment is not the same on the basis of the requirements of the venue, this is to ask all construction must have experience in technical processing, standard made of what kind of foundation to ensure longer shop in the above the turf life indeed when many enterprises in the country less construction experience, technical support is not enough, causing some pre no expected problems and lead to more problems. Party is more need to find some large enterprises in a better reputation in the industry, engineering quality standards cooperation is guaranteed venue, we learned that most of the projects abroad in order to guarantee the life and movement of the turf standards, in general the basis of laying elastic cushion layer, but also to meet the flexibility and other requirements of the entire system. we think this is a place worth learning from.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Li Mengta successfully completed in South Africa FIFA project of artificial grass pitches

Li Mengta successfully completed in South Africa FIFA project of artificial grass pitches

    The FIFA Recommended manufacturers Limonta (Li Mengta) has been in South Africa the the Ekangala, Mafikeng and a Tlakgameng community laying three new football pastures. The establishment of the new artificial grass pitch on the children away from troubled neighborhoods in South Africa to make further efforts.

    In Roberto Teani, Li Mengta sports marketing manager said "laying these football pastures from the local community for a huge and important role, because anyone, including schools, clubs, and ordinary people can use these venues." This in South Africa project, company Li Mengta item Bid by a private committee selected suppliers. The construction of three artificial grass pitch is part of the construction of a new artificial grass pitch in the various regions of the country. Three artificial grass pitch points are named: the Ekangala (Ekangala Stadium) Mafikeng (the Mafikeng cities artificial grass pitch) and the the country artificial grass pitch in Tlakgameng (Tlakgameng). Teani said: "In general, artificial grass stadium is located in the suburbs of large cities, rather than the city this all directions more three artificial grass pitch in South Africa in different directions: Ekangala Puleduoli Asia near (Pretoria), Mafikeng in South Africa in Botswana (Botswana) border Tlakgameng northwest.

    Stoning field into a sea of ​​joy

    "Mafikeng" Tswana name meaning "stone place", which indicates the difficulty of this project. And three foot artificial grass pitch in the severely underdeveloped regions. Before the completion of the artificial grass pitch, players of all ages have full play the venue of stone and dust, can not organize any training activities, league or school curriculum - is therefore very important to the successful laying of the artificial grass pitch. Order to ensure the required quality level, the only FIFA Recommended manufacturers, such as Li Mengta nine companies are allowed to bid. The FIFA recommended producers Active made a global commitment to football pasture pasture quality, performance and security based on the needs of the end user, to meet the highest standards. Teani added: "this approach makes the investor of the project will be completed successfully full confidence". FIFA recommended the experience and knowledge of the manufacturer, and provided the necessary technology, is the completion of the project and ensure that the materials used in the protection of the region's climate conditions. "Under normal circumstances, a new artificial grass stadium's construction completed in an average of three to four months time, but in South Africa, including maintenance and paving may need five months.

    Quality and safety

    The final quality of this project is obvious. All three artificial grass pitch FIFA venues Star certification level certification for its outstanding performance and is ideal for everyday use. FIFA venues certification adhere to quality standards, regular inspection experiments and field tests by an independent body recognized by FIFA. Teani summarize positive impact in the laying of the community: "Prior to this, the kids after school activities, and do not know anything about foot artificial grass course description, they only know the bare earth. Now let the kids off the streets towards sufficient artificial grass pitch, participation and football-related activities is not a difficult task. "the Ekangala, Mafikeng Tlakgameng, soccer pasture open six to ten hours a day to the local people, the children in the after school hours can be a convenient and a safe place to play. They can also organize some of the high level of competition, technical guidance and educational activities and a number of other sports organizations. Therefore have to admit that South Africa's foot artificial grass stadium project is more than just a foot artificial grass pitches, football is not just a simple as a game or competition.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

the artificial turf Croquet venue requirements

the artificial turf Croquet venue requirements:

Croquet in the projects of the elderly as the main object ball games, venue construction must be based on the physiological characteristics of the elderly, the election in sheltered, sunny, safety and drainage conditions better place with better green as much as possible create a favorable environment for exercise, entertainment, rest.

Croquet Profile
   Croquet is in the ground or on the lawn, strike a ball with a mallet through the iron gate of an outdoor ball games, also known as croquet.
   Croquet originated in France, came after the United Kingdom, Italy, the United States and other countries; introduced to China in the 1930s, and then only as a games lesson content at Yenching University; 1948 gateball the rise in Japan, began in 1970 as the elderly The activities of the project to promote the open.
The gateball is a game, two teams of 10 players each team member each from the ball, independent batting and cooperate with each other sports, has a small footprint, spend Province, simple technology, a small amount of exercise, and security features. Gateball not only simple rules makes it interesting, but also can stimulate the brain and promote physical and mental, is among the most affordable new movement for all ages, suitable for the elderly in physical exercise.

artificial turf croquet rules
   Croquet Rules in turn make the ball through the goal, hit the winning post and finished the race. Game, the two teams each five balls, one red ball, one white ball, alternately from the 1st to the 10th hit red, white ball. 1 ball each team called "self-ball, ball number and team number consistent hitter hit the ball over the serial number when a tee for the first time, the rest of the ball for his ball. Successfully hit the ball over a known hitter through the first door, the player can again batting over two, three, the same is true. In addition, if the ball successfully through the third door skittle, corresponding with the number of the ball players to end the game. The ball, since the ball touched his ball, called the crash. Since the ball and he knocked his ball comes to rest in the competition line, live in self-ball hitter needed a foot, and his ball since the ball abutting, then, since the ball hit ball hammer, the use of impact ball slips out, called Blitz. Whether it is successful batting interlude or blitz, the batsman time continued to strike the right. Order every ball each by a goal to get 1 point skittle 2 minutes to complete the number of game players 5. To the end of the game, each team member added to the resulting scores to determine the outcome, the total score more than the winner.

Croquet venue
   (A) croquet venue requirements by limiting coil fixed, ground flat rectangular, without any obstacle.
   (B) the game line (known as sideline) of 20 to 25 meters long, 15 to 20 meters wide. Edges as a strip, a bandwidth of 1 to 5 cm, the outer edge of the venue of the size to bandwidth prevail.
   (C) limit the same line with the sideline, 0.5 to 1 meter outside the sideline, parallel with the sideline.
   (D) edges, limit lines and other inside line to be clearly visible, the line color of the stadium ground color should be easy to identify conducive observed.

artificial turf Description:
   Venue size, distance between the length and width of the band edges, color, and edges with limit lines are available in the specified range as appropriate.